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3.8M sats


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July 27, 2024 10:56:26 PM UTC

3,800,000 sats

0.038 BTC

Jennifer Gilson

July 27, 2024 10:55:20 PM UTC

3,700,000 sats

0.037 BTC

July 27, 2024 10:54:56 PM UTC

3,600,000 sats

0.036 BTC

Jennifer Gilson

July 27, 2024 10:54:47 PM UTC

3,500,000 sats

0.035 BTC

July 27, 2024 10:49:57 PM UTC

3,400,000 sats

0.034 BTC

Jennifer Gilson

July 27, 2024 10:47:01 PM UTC

3,300,000 sats

0.033 BTC


July 27, 2024 10:44:38 PM UTC

3,000,000 sats

0.03 BTC

Jennifer Gilson

July 27, 2024 10:39:57 PM UTC

2,200,000 sats

0.022 BTC


July 27, 2024 10:38:40 PM UTC

2,100,000 sats

0.021 BTC

July 27, 2024 10:38:01 PM UTC

1,950,000 sats

0.0195 BTC


July 27, 2024 10:37:44 PM UTC

1,900,000 sats

0.019 BTC

July 27, 2024 8:12:27 PM UTC

1,800,000 sats

0.018 BTC

July 27, 2024 7:04:26 PM UTC

1,750,000 sats

0.0175 BTC


July 27, 2024 6:30:35 PM UTC

1,700,000 sats

0.017 BTC

July 27, 2024 4:40:15 PM UTC

1,550,000 sats

0.0155 BTC

July 27, 2024 3:48:00 PM UTC

1,500,000 sats

0.015 BTC


July 27, 2024 9:02:33 AM UTC

1,200,000 sats

0.012 BTC

July 27, 2024 3:22:38 AM UTC

800,000 sats

0.008 BTC

July 27, 2024 3:16:30 AM UTC

750,000 sats

0.0075 BTC

July 27, 2024 3:01:34 AM UTC

25,000 sats

0.00025 BTC

Follow the lines and uncover the secret behind the maze. Once seen you can never unseen it.

In a maze, the path is designed to be complex and challenging to navigate, similar to how the cryptographic algorithms behind Bitcoin are designed to be secure and difficult to crack. Typography, as a form of design, can be used to visually represent the complexity of the maze and the intricate details of the Bitcoin network.

This Lot Includes:

Physical Artwork:

  • Dimensions: 24,8 x 24,8 x 1,9 inch (in)
  • Weight: 18 lbs
  • Materials: heavy plexi frame heavy handcrafted paper made with shredded fiat banknotes acrylic paint wax paint uv pigments
  • Item Type: Art Collectible


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