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Casey Rodarmor - Decentral Eyes

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Inscription 124599
timestamp: 2023-02-17 00:37:21 UTC

Portrait of the Ordinals protocol creator Casey Rodarmor by Coldie. Inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain, this artwork merges form and function having Casey's portrait on the protocol he created. Decentralized portrait created sourcing a variety of images, code, and social media postings.

An early inscription and the first Ordinal by Coldie, this artwork was created to honor and immutably record the innovation by Casey and the team that developed the Ordinals protocol. This new layer of digital rarity on Bitcoin has enabled data, and in this case art, to be stored forever on a single satoshi.

This Lot Includes:

Digital Good:

Casey Rodarmor - Decentral Eyes

  • Ordinal
  • Supply: 1


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