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Hodlsmith Watch #7 of 21

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The Hodlsmith Watch is a Swiss-engineered timepiece built to capture both time and money on the hands of those strong enough to hodl it. The watch was crafted to specifically encase physically issued and minted Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies. It is the first time a physical historical Bitcoin has been captured in a timepiece, as well as the first time any watch has physically held a numismatic coin in collector condition.The entire watch movement sits on top the case protecting the physical coin.

This particular Hodlsmith watch, #7 of 21 within the limited collection, features a real bullet and revolving piece, simulating a Russian Roulette type design for the face of the watch. Your physical Bitcoin coin is safely secured in a case attached to the back of the watch, and the full face of the coin is completely visible from the back of the watch.

Materials: Steel case, sapphire cover

Dimensions: 44mm diameter, 15mm width

Weight: est 3-4 ounces

Starting (Reserve) Price: 0.2 BTC

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