1.46M sats
22 sold
24 giclee numbered and signed limited editions prints.
Price increases 30K sats (0.0003 BTC) with each purchase.
1st buyer receives #24 for lowest price. Final buyer receives #1 for the highest price.
KLLRACIDPEPE token holders receive 250,000 sats (0.0025 BTC) back to their verified Counterparty address after their purchase (please allow 1 week). Login to verify your address here.
Physical Artwork:
Pickup for free from Fake Basel Miami 🌴
Payment can be made from any Bitcoin/Lightning wallet or exchange EXCEPT (fake)rarepepewallet or freewallet mobile/web. These wallets do not support native segwit addresses. If you are paying from exchange, make sure to add back any fee the exchange takes out from the payment amount.