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Diario El Salvador's La Ley Bitcoin Edition - Framed for Preservation.

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2.1M sats


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December 12, 2021 7:55:33 PM UTC

2,100,000 sats

0.021 BTC


December 11, 2021 8:42:15 AM UTC

2,000,000 sats

0.02 BTC


December 11, 2021 2:07:56 AM UTC

100,000 sats

0.001 BTC

On June 9, 2021 El Salvador's congress voted to approve President Bukele’s proposal to make Bitcoin legal tender in the country.

Considered one of 14 most important events in the history of money by The Agence France-Presse. El Salvador is poised to be a major catalyst in the adoption of Bitcoin by other nations.

It is important to understand the significance of this event from the perspective of Salvadorans like myself and the repercussions it can have on other nations. To explain this, I created this short video

I also prepared this video to highlight its significance from the perspective of the news media

This represents a new and real revolution of the people, by the people, and for the people. A new renaissance. It is, in essence, the creation of a new country, full of hope.

How will this event change the course of history?

How will we Salvadorans prevail over those international powers who resist the change and refuse to cede control and subjugation?

How will Bitcoin rescue our people from poverty and provide freedom and true independence, how will it save a nation that has suffered a great deal?

And which country will follow?

This is the edition of the local newspaper that made the news public to the people of El Salvador and the world.

Own or give as a gift this piece of Bitcoin history. A truly unique event in our lifetime. A wonderful addition to your loft of office. A must have for anyone who understands and appreciates the significance of this event.

Materials: Newspaper, wood, board, museum grade acrylic

Dimensions: Roughly 33” x 28.25” x 1”

Weight: 8.5 lbs oz

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