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Cryptoartist Program 0 artwork explores the ONE-Dollar-symbolism and the place Bitcoin could take in the unfinished pyramid to bring about a new golden age.
George Washington's portrait also adorns the dollar note: First President of the United States (1789-1797), slave owner and member of the Freemasons. Freemasonry is a widely woven network of numerous lodges that can be traced back to the 1600s. In the history of the United States, every third presidents has been a Freemason.
The American state seal has been alienated by a floating Bitcoin above the eagle, covering the rising six-pointed star. If you enlarge the geometry of the six-pointed star and project it onto the pyramid, the points define five letters. As an anagram you get MASON
NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM: “New Order of the Ages” This quote comes from the poem by Vegil. In this piece, the poet prophesies of a new golden age of peace, preceded by the birth of a child.
This golden age of peace will not exist with a dominant dollar. Who is dependent on financial sanctions and wars and who also misuses dollarization as an instrument of power.
Bitcoin completes the pyramid and thus activates the eye of foreknowledge.
Will America then become the nation that a true God intended you to be?
- Deep story Artwork
- Size: 80cm x 60cm
- Mixed Media, Acryl, 3D, Collage, High Quality print base
- QR-Code Scan for Artwork Story
- limited 01/10
- Certificate of Authenticity (Signature, Fingerprint, Artwork Details)
Physical Good: