17M sats
0 sold
Over the past few years, habitual checking of current crypto values has reached a point of obsession, intruding upon personal and intimate moments. This reflects the fast-paced commercialization, commodification, and consolidation of the crypto space.
Modus Operandi - One emblematizes the inevitable evolution of this obsession by embedding a fully functional chart and live visualization within a painting. With a small button, one can choose their modus operandi: either a live visualization of the Bitcoin USD value or the Bitcoin 24-hour change rate trend curve.
The artwork aims to transform anxiety-inducing candle bar charts into serene animations, capable of both claiming a permanent position in the most intimate sphere — the personal living space — and blurring the distinction between physical and digital art.
Artist Martin Lukas Ostachowski employs clouds as Bitcoin symbolism. Clouds are in constant transformation, intangible, and symbolize hope. Many financial terms revolve around water, such as liquidity, cash flows, revenue streams, etc. Clouds simultaneously embody Bitcoin's often neglected fragility. If people were to stop believing in Bitcoin and disconnect their nodes, the network would dissolve like a cloud.
More info: mlo.art/
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