607K sats
Price increases by 1,500 sats with each Bitcoin block
Today, Bitcoiners around the world cheer with joy. Their belief in changing the monetary system is increasingly unstoppable. Analysts are competing to comment on bitcoin price predictions but none of that matters because that's not the goal. The struggle of "Fix The Money - Fix The World" is what matters.
On the other hand, no one will ever think FUD attacks on Bitcoin are remain effective. On the contrary, Bitcoin continues to print sensations that build positive sentiment. Everyone is getting greedy to throw away their fiat money and buy bitcoin.
Yes, today, every individual in the world one by one is starting to realize that they have been nothing more than fiat slaves. They wake up, they learn and eventually they become a volunteer helping to educate others about bitcoin...
I am grateful that I can witness The Fall of The Bretton Woods System.
I dedicate this artwork as an expression of gratitude to all those who have participated in the bitcoin space in the early period.
Tizar Berandalan & Choni BDG are from the city of Bandung, West Java - Indonesia. Realizing that surviving as an illustrator in Indonesia will never meet the needs of the family, we learned to understand bitcoin and adopt bitcoin totally.
The sale price includes a 18" x 25.4" giclee print that will be shipped in a tube, free of additional charge. A digital Bitcoin-based NFT will be sent to the buyers' Counterparty address.
The price of the print increases 1,500 sats with each Bitcoin block height. A maximum of 21 will be sold.
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