#98570 | Pepe’s Hooded Reverie
#98570 | Pepe’s Hooded Reverie
968.92K sats
Price decreases by 23,443 sats with each Bitcoin block
The "AnimeTech Marvels" collection seamlessly merges the vibrant world of anime with the awe-inspiring realm of futuristic technology. Through intricate details, vivid colors, and digital craftsmanship, each piece brings viewers the aesthetics that intertwine with cutting-edge advancements. It celebrates the power of art to blur the lines between the real and the imagined, the ancient and the futuristic.
Step into the extraordinary world of Deniz T, the visionary concept artist and storyteller whose artistic journey began in the pages of comic books and the enchanting realm of animated movies. Deniz honed his skills in concept design and illustration, fashioning a signature style that intertwines intricate details with captivating tales. Fueled by an unwavering passion for storytelling, Deniz skillfully shaped the visual direction of diverse projects.
This Lot Includes:
- Ordinals
- 1/1
Starting price: 0.069 BTC
Ending price: 0.00969 BTC
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