We will email you if the seller accepts your offer.
September 19, 2021 7:10:01 PM UTC
20,000,000 sats
0.2 BTC
September 19, 2021 7:00:30 PM UTC
17,000,000 sats
0.17 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:55:56 PM UTC
16,500,000 sats
0.165 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:55:21 PM UTC
16,000,000 sats
0.16 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:55:02 PM UTC
15,500,000 sats
0.155 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:55:03 PM UTC
15,000,000 sats
0.15 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:53:54 PM UTC
14,000,000 sats
0.14 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:51:36 PM UTC
12,000,000 sats
0.12 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:48:25 PM UTC
11,000,000 sats
0.11 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:47:15 PM UTC
10,000,000 sats
0.1 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:47:16 PM UTC
9,500,000 sats
0.095 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:46:41 PM UTC
8,500,000 sats
0.085 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:39:52 PM UTC
8,000,000 sats
0.08 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:36:50 PM UTC
7,500,000 sats
0.075 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:22:08 PM UTC
7,000,000 sats
0.07 BTC
September 19, 2021 6:04:29 PM UTC
6,500,000 sats
0.065 BTC
September 19, 2021 5:12:19 PM UTC
6,000,000 sats
0.06 BTC
September 19, 2021 4:23:30 PM UTC
5,500,000 sats
0.055 BTC
September 19, 2021 4:17:37 PM UTC
4,200,000 sats
0.042 BTC
September 19, 2021 1:18:52 PM UTC
4,100,000 sats
0.041 BTC
September 19, 2021 11:40:49 AM UTC
3,500,000 sats
0.035 BTC
September 18, 2021 6:17:57 PM UTC
3,000,000 sats
0.03 BTC
September 18, 2021 4:40:24 PM UTC
2,500,000 sats
0.025 BTC
September 18, 2021 4:04:55 PM UTC
2,400,000 sats
0.024 BTC
September 18, 2021 12:17:30 AM UTC
1,900,000 sats
0.019 BTC
September 17, 2021 11:44:51 PM UTC
1,500,000 sats
0.015 BTC
September 17, 2021 10:38:03 PM UTC
1,000,000 sats
0.01 BTC
September 17, 2021 10:01:58 PM UTC
800,000 sats
0.008 BTC
September 17, 2021 9:56:54 PM UTC
700,000 sats
0.007 BTC
September 17, 2021 9:48:50 PM UTC
400,000 sats
0.004 BTC
September 17, 2021 8:45:41 PM UTC
300,000 sats
0.003 BTC
September 17, 2021 8:23:01 PM UTC
200,000 sats
0.002 BTC
September 17, 2021 7:23:51 PM UTC
100,000 sats
0.001 BTC
Full set of iconic, Hand painted, signed and numbered artworks. From the anonymous art movement known as Crypsi, started in 2016 and released in early 2017.
Likely to be the only full set of Seeing Red pictures in private hands (pictures have been sold individually to various buyers in the US, EU and Asia).
Each pic comes with matching nft on an opendime wallet (created using counterparty).
No2x was a response to the segwit2x proposed fork in 2017 that nearly saw many major influencers and companies ‘co-opt’ bitcoin until a counter-attack by the bitcoin community (and artists!) saw it fall apart. Bitcoin is for everyone, not just those in control of exchanges and large investors - 2x was critical in the history of bitcoin, it is a currency or asset for all people and controlled by normal people who will fight any bad actors and put them in their place no matter who they are or how much wealth and influence they have.
J.Demon was a response to ignorant and disparaging comments on bitcoin by the CEO of a corrupt global bank - if bitcoin is a fraud, then why is his bank fined millions every month for malpractices and if there was any justice in the world, given his incompetence at overseeing fx trading, interest rate manipulation, derivatives fraud and colossal KYC ‘errors’ to name but a few criminal enterprises his bank specialises in, why is he not in jail?? The Demon has no shame, cares about nothing but his bonuses and bitcoin is here to eat his breakfast, lunch and dinner..
Btrash Squatters is a reaction to the bitcoin.com website being used fraudulently to missell bcash as bitcoin and promote a fake shitcoin. Crypsi was a fan of the owner Roger Ver in the early days, but his ego is out of control and his use of the .com website and promotion of his fake fork bitcoin cash means he has lost all credibility in the cryptosphere..
The Bitcoin Mantra sums up bitcoin in early 2017 - corporates were finally showing an interest in bitcoin, but continued to undermine it and instead espouse the virtues of ‘blockchain’ - originally the picture featured a suit being beheaded, but bitcoin is bigger than the rage of Crypsi and pic was altered to illustrate how everyone has a chance to adopt and support bitcoin (even the financial institutions who did nothing but scoff at it for years). Unlike the banks, insurance companies, funds and other financial institutions who pillage the world for their own ends, bitcoin is here to protect the world, freedom and bring justice..
The Dollar Drain is probably the most iconic and most widely shared Crypsi pic. It displays how wealth will continuously flow from fiat currencies (specifically the $) into Bitcoin. It is an endless drain and will not stop until everyone in the world wants nothing but bitcoin and fiat currrencies are worthless..
Fed Time depicts the Federal Reserve primed with explosives on a ticking clock determined by bitcoin. For too long this private oligarchy of evil and self-interested banks have determined the course of the US and the world. The Fed has brought nothing but war, injustice and has overseen a systematic wealth grab by the richest 1% - bank bailouts launched bitcoin. #endthefed was a key to early aims of bitcoiners. The Fed must be stopped and wiped off the face of this planet - bitcoin represents humanity's last stand and only chance to do this..
Auction is for no.3 of each picture and also includes a copy of limited edition (49 each) posters 'The Bitcoin Bunker' and 'Bitpocalypse', limited edition (99) Crypsi 'Be The Revolution' T-shirt and various Crypsi stickers to plaster your local bank with 😉.
Further details of each pic can be found on crypsi.com.
Materials: spray on canvas
Dimensions: various
Weight: various
Check out the livestream as we kickoff the auction and cover early bids.
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