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February 3, 2022 8:25:29 PM UTC
60,000,000 sats
0.6 BTC
February 3, 2022 8:24:30 PM UTC
57,500,000 sats
0.575 BTC
February 3, 2022 8:12:25 PM UTC
55,000,000 sats
0.55 BTC
February 3, 2022 8:12:19 PM UTC
52,500,000 sats
0.525 BTC
February 3, 2022 8:12:20 PM UTC
52,500,000 sats
0.525 BTC
February 3, 2022 5:35:53 PM UTC
50,000,000 sats
0.5 BTC
February 3, 2022 5:35:54 PM UTC
49,000,000 sats
0.49 BTC
February 3, 2022 5:35:48 PM UTC
48,000,000 sats
0.48 BTC
February 3, 2022 5:35:49 PM UTC
47,000,000 sats
0.47 BTC
February 3, 2022 5:35:43 PM UTC
46,000,000 sats
0.46 BTC
February 3, 2022 5:35:44 PM UTC
45,000,000 sats
0.45 BTC
February 3, 2022 5:35:34 PM UTC
44,000,000 sats
0.44 BTC
February 3, 2022 5:35:35 PM UTC
43,000,000 sats
0.43 BTC
February 3, 2022 4:29:28 PM UTC
42,000,000 sats
0.42 BTC
February 3, 2022 12:28:18 AM UTC
41,000,000 sats
0.41 BTC
February 2, 2022 3:03:01 PM UTC
40,000,000 sats
0.4 BTC
February 2, 2022 12:28:09 PM UTC
20,000,000 sats
0.2 BTC
February 2, 2022 3:08:03 AM UTC
600,000 sats
0.006 BTC
February 2, 2022 1:47:23 AM UTC
500,000 sats
0.005 BTC
February 1, 2022 11:28:01 PM UTC
400,000 sats
0.004 BTC
February 1, 2022 8:27:39 PM UTC
300,000 sats
0.003 BTC
This tremendous offering won’t come around often. Twelve different cards, five Series 1’s for a total of 15 dank Rare Pepes!!!!
Let’s take a peak at what’s inside, we assure you, acquiring all of these in one go is nearly priceless.
NFT visionary, rare pepe scientists and engineer, John Villar brought the world the first game inside an NFT. PEPEBALT unlocks a video game demo inside Rare Pepe Wallet’s bonus content. Nothing like this has been done before, another rare pepe firsts. We lost John last year but he lives on through this timeless project.
The card that was almost the first NFT, (2)BIGGIEPEPE! Shawn tried to force his fellow rare pepe scientists to allow a QR code in the image that would link to Rare Scrilla’s dope Biggie mix. After being denied Scrilla and Joe came up with the rare pepe wallet feature allowing Bonus Content, the demand to push the boundaries of NFTs could not be stopped!
Yet another NFT collectibles tech breakthroughs, how about the first NFT GIF? UFOPEPE has Pepe dashing through the cosmos and is arguable the first ever NFT GIF collectible.
This dankess train doesn’t stop there, you also get two each of Rare Scrilla’s fky works (2)BOYZIIPEPE, who’s element is women’s panties cause you know what happens when that motown philly starts to play. Doin a little of that east coast swing.
(2)DRDIRTYPEPE is rare af. It’s not easy to get a hold of! Jason Seibert “I’m Not Your Lawyer” threw down this dank rare in honor of the legend RawODB who trolls at a levels never seen before as he lurks deep in the open source channels.
TLCPEPE was a tribute card to the now late Toni Lane Casserly. No one brought as much spirit and love to the blockchain than you did! RIP TLC. ❤️
What can be said about GOXPEPE and SHITCOINCARD. Two of the three pillars that built this project. No collection is complete without this pair.
HAIRPEPE was the first NFT club! The genesis of it was simple, people started to notice how happy they felt after buying a HAIRPEPE. When they were feeling down, they could easily turn that frown upside down and buy another HAIRPEPE and another and another. Once you own a HAIRPEPE, you will understand. And wait there’s more! The Salon was formed and now only HAIRPEPE hodlers can enter this exclusive club! (and get that hairdo did!)
His high noodliesness also enters the collection with FSMPEPE, with his only son aside him in this glorious dank rare, a must have for any serious collector.
FATPEPE is the worst card ever, so that makes it one of the rarest cards in the collection! Only 777 exist so it must also be good luck as well to own. The three elements of KFC, Taco Bell and Burger King unite in this fast food delight. First fast food pepe?
There have been many invisible or transparent NFTs, but this is the very first. Some fetch hundreds of ETH on OpenSea! The idea came very early in the rare pepe project but Mike didn’t think the world was ready for it. He and Joe sat on this card until later in the collection. You will also find a hidden message inside this transparent image! This card completes the perfect OG Dozen, any serious “firsts” collector must have the first invisible pepe. Good Luck!
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