Current Top Bid
DtongeCurrent Price
25K sats
Auction ends in
January 29, 2025 12:38:08 PM UTC
25,000 sats
0.00025 BTC
Get the 1/1 artwork from Program_0 x bitart! Bitcoin is a mirror!
"Bitcoin Mirror is more than a mere aesthetic element – it is the view of Satoshi Nakamoto. "Bitcoin Mirror" cleverly intertwines art, technology, and philosophical concepts, prompting viewers to contemplate the nature of Bitcoin, identity, and community." - Abu Akkuc, founder of bitart
-Artist: Program_0
-creation: 779.516 blockheight
-10 times more break-resistant than glass
-High-Quality mirror
-Black frame
-₿ in the middle with acrylpainting, abstract
-1/1 unique artwork
-Hahnemühle certificate of authenticity
Artwork Story:
The artwork "Bitcoin Mirror" embodies a captivating blend of art and Bitcoin. The mirror, artistically designed, features a stylish Bitcoin 'B' at its center, serving not only as a graphical element but carrying a deeper meaning. This central symbol not only represents the power of bitcoin itself but also suggests that anyone looking into the mirror becomes, in a sense, a part of Bitcoin.
The creative placement of the Bitcoin 'B' amid the mirror implies that the identity of the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is not confined to a single individual. Instead, everyone gazing into the mirror symbolically becomes Satoshi Nakamoto, offering a playful yet profound reflection on the decentralized nature of BTC.
The aesthetics of "Bitcoin Mirror" go beyond mere functionality, serving as a consciously crafted design element. Choosing a mirror as the medium enhances the metaphorical dimension of the artwork, inviting viewers to see not only their own reflection but also the role they play in the context of the decentralized world of Bitcoin.
In summary, "Bitcoin Mirror" cleverly intertwines art, technology, and philosophical concepts, prompting viewers to contemplate the nature of Bitcoin, identity, and community.
Physical Artwork:
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