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Look, I’m not a “real” artist, but once I stumbled upon the Rare Pepe project I wanted very badly to have a work included in the collection. This wasn’t about money, fame, or anything like that - this was just so funny to me, so cool, so crypto - I just had to be a part of it. Back in 2017, I was “down bad” and looking to “meme my way out.” I found the Rare Pepe Telegram group from exploring Counterparty and instantly fell in love with the idea. The scientists had approved Pepes through series 10 when I had my idea for SODAPEPENSKI, and I went deep into the lab. While it isn’t the best example of artistic skill, I worked really hard on it, and most importantly got to learn about how to mint assets on Counterparty. I mean the card makes me laugh so hard to this day - look at the spelling - the asset is named “SODAPEPENSKI” but the text on the card is spelled different. I didn’t even catch this error until my friend Pat pointed it out to me in 2021 when I sent him one! Back in 2017, when I was ready to submit, the ADHD kicked in, and I kept missing the deadline for each series, forgetting to do one of the very few simple steps by the deadline. I even tried to bribe Mike at once point after a few drinks lol.

Thankfully, eventually I did the correct steps and Series 27, Card 9 is forever immortalized in the blockchain. In 2021, when the NFT craze hit Pepes, I decided to mint SODAPEPENSKI.SIGNED, which is the SODAPEPENSKI card with my signature on top of it. I issued 69 of these assets and I believe I’m the first to “Sign” a Pepe in this way. This particular SODAPEPENSKI is the first physical version to be sold, thus I’m naming it the “holy trinity” PEPENSKi - Digital, Physical, and signed. Enjoy!


The lot Includes:


  • Series 27, Card 9
  • 888 issued


Physical SODAPEPENSKI Framed Print

  • Outer Frame Dimensions: 28 1/2” x 40 1/4”

Special edition OPENDIME

(Optional hardware device for holding tokens)

Recent price for tokens: insufficient sales data

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