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100K sats


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April 19, 2022 7:59:54 PM UTC

100,000 sats

0.001 BTC

Who can resist her with sparkly eyes that look at you so seductive?

With a smile that can make the ice cold heart of Sub Zero melt.

With big juicy lips that will whisper the sweetest little words in your ear.

Treat her as she needs and she will make you feel like the king of your castle.

Keep treating her as she deserves and she will take care of you untill you blow out your last breath.

Just be careful !

Fool her once and she might let it slide.

Fool her twice and you made yourself a powerful enemy.

With primal forces that will reveal itself, you will witness a difference of a day and night.

With precision and determination, she will take you down faster than an eagle catches it’s prey.

Thereafter she will rip you apart, till there is nothing left but flesh, bones and a broken heart.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you,

The choice is yours…

This Lot Includes:

Physical Artwork:

  • Materials: Canvas and spray paint plus acrylic

A 1 of 1 Counterparty token will be issued to represent the artwork


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